The Abel Matutes Foundation would like to express its full support and solidarity with the people affected by the DANA event in Valencia. If you would like to help, you can donate to Caritas using this link

A brief history of the Abel Matutes Foundation

The outstanding Abel Matutes Foundation, named after its first president, Abel Matutes Juan, was founded in 1978. That year, Abel Matutes was elected as a Senator and decided to donate his entire salary to supporting children's sports teams, student groups and other types of social activities in Ibiza and Formentera.

In its early years, the president and founder himself personally led the Abel Matutes Foundation. Over time, however, he had to delegate responsibilities to members of his team due to his important commitments as a European Commissioner, MEP and, later, as the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In 2024, the Abel Matutes Foundation extended its activities to the rest of Spain and all of the cities and countries in which it operates. Although the Foundation continues to provide strong support for its activities in Ibiza and Formentera, it has also significantly extended its ability to assist in new destinations. This led to the creation of "Palladium Cares", bringing together all the corporate social responsibility activities of hotels managed by the Palladium Hotel Group.

Through Palladium Cares, the Foundation has focused its efforts on training and supporting employees and their families in the communities in which it operates as well as on protecting the natural environment. 

The Foundation also continues to promote culture, sport, scientific and sociological research, as well as the preservation and promotion of the environmental, artistic, cultural and historical heritage of Ibiza and Formentera.

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Purpose of the Foundation

The Foundation is an expression of the Grupo Empresas Matutes commitments to society and an integral part of its Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Its founding purposes are:


Education and training

The Foundation promotes training to enhance employment opportunities, helping implement training, employment and business leadership programmes, particularly for vulnerable members of our society.



The Foundation supports programmes carried out by non-profit organisations, especially those aimed at improving living conditions in disadvantaged communities.



The Foundation encourages practices that help improve the environment and supports projects to protect biological diversity.


Promotion of the islands of Ibiza and Formentera

The Foundation supports, protects and helps develop culture, research and sport on the islands.

Board of Patrons and Executive Committee

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    D. Abel Matutes Juan

    Patron and Honorary President

    Board of Patrons

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    Dª. Carmen Matutes Juan


    Board of Patrons and Executive Committee

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    Dª Carmen Matutes Prats

    Vice President by virtue of her position as Deputy CEO of Palladium Hotel Group

    Board of Patrons and Executive Committee

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    D. Abel Matutes Prats

    Patron by virtue of his position as President of Palladium Hotel Group

    Board of Patrons and Executive Committee

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    D. Salvador Ortiz de Montellano García

    Patron by virtue of his position as CEO of Grupo Empresas Matutes

    Board of Patrons and Executive Committee

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    D. Jesus Sobrino Fernández

    Patron by virtue of his position as CEO of Palladium Hotel Group

    Executive Committee

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    D. Alex Sákovics Matutes

    Elected patrons

    Board of Patrons and Executive Committee

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    D. Antonio Matutes Mestre

    Elected patrons

    Board of Patrons

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    D. Francisco Acinas Manich

    Director of Internal Audit at the Matutes Group

    Executive Committee

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    Dª Gloria Juste Picón

    Executive Director of the Foundation and Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Palladium Hotel Group

    Executive Committee

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    D. Josetxo Pérez Apesteguia

    Head of Procurement and Logistics at Palladium Hotel Group

    Executive Committee

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    D. Juan Serra Marí

    Corporate CEO of Palladium Hotel Group for the Only You Hotels & Bless Collection Hotels brands

    Executive Committee

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    D. Manuel Matutes Mestre

    Elected patrons

    Board of Patrons 

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    D. Marc Rahola Matutes

    Elected patrons

    Board of Patrons

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    Dª Mª Antonia Pericás Gelabert

    Elected Patron and Treasurer

    Board of Patrons

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    Dª María Teresa Matutes Juan

    Elected patrons

    Board of Patrons

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    Dª María Matutes Prats

    Elected patrons

    Board of Patrons and Executive Committee

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    Dª Neus Matutes Mestre

    Elected patrons

    Board of Patrons

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    Dª Stella Matutes Prats

    Elected patrons

    Board of Patrons

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    D. Toni Serra Tur

    Executive at Grupo Empresas Matutes

    Executive Committee


Transparency, accountability and management excellence are fundamental values behind our work at the Foundation. We are firmly committed to providing clear and accurate information to any person or organisation that support us, including partner companies and public and private organisations. To ensure the integrity and accuracy of our accounts, we carry out independent audits whose results are available to the public. We also publish our bylaws, reports and annual accounts as part of our commitment to transparency and to earning the trust of our stakeholders.